Thursday, June 5, 2008

Tummy Time!

Okay, I am feeling slightly guilty. I have not been giving the babies adequate tummy time. I don't really have an excuse, except for the fact that there are two of them and by the end of the day I am tired and not really interested in having them scream their heads off. I know the more time they spend on their bellies the stronger they will become, so I have made a goal to let them spend at least a couple minutes a day on their belly, starting today.

Today was sad but hilarious. They were both screaming harmoniously and not too happy with mommy. Gaite started rocking from side to side and was actually able to turn over. Yea! This is his second time to turn over. After he rolled over the first time I thought to put him back on his tummy and let him try it again. Poor thing, he rocked for a few seconds and then gave up. Once again, sad but very funny. Paige on the other hand usually just roots face first into the blanket and cries. Tonight she turned her head and smiled at Andrew for about half a minute, then went from smiles to seriously ticked in 0.2 seconds. I know Mom feels my pain.


Jen said...

Your new background looks great! Those sweet little babies are growing up so fast! Tell them to stop so that I can see them before I don't even recognize them anymore. :( Don't feel guilty about them not getting enough tummy time. You are doing the best you can!